Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grad School Started

So, classes started yesterday. Of course, I missed my first one. Honestly, I thought it was at 2:30 and went for coffee with friends, only to learn it was a 1:30 start! Oops!! I'm a little overwhelmed; I have to finish my thesis (sent a copy to the second on my committee yesterday), write my SSHRC and OGS applications, teach my Tourism tutorials, and take theory and an environmental politics class with two really demanding and very clever women. Ack!

And the commute is going to kill me. It will literally kill me. I spent 5 hours getting home yesterday, only to turn around and go back tomorrow morning at 7. I take on this burden like it is my fault that I have a family and kids, and that I decided to better myself with this education, therefore I have to make all sorts of sacrifices, but I'm trying to shake that feeling that this is mine alone to bear. We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I think its high time for another girls night out. Perhaps I should tell the ladies....
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